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Provided with in a sentence

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Sentence count:264Posted:2017-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: providedprovided thatprovideproviderproceed withprovide forprovidentprovidenceMeaning: adj. having a supply of. 
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151. In light of the reliability under the most severe working conditions, a new design provided with two working chambers and accompanied by hydraulic servo and mechanical self-sealing is put forward.
152. A luminaire may be provided with a maximum of one duplex or two single convenience receptacles .
153. The special - shaped mixer is provided with adjustable blade, which can rapidly and evenly mix various feedstuffs.
154. We believe the assistance of the Federal Government should be provided with a minimum of administrative burden and intrusiveness .
155. The upper part of the spearhead is provided with a facula locating device.
156. Most part of the supercritical wing with equal chord and high aspect ratio is provided with 2-D flow characteristics approximately except wing tip.
157. The shell is in a cylinder shape integrally, the upper end of the shell is provided with a round barrelhead, and the rotary mechanism is arranged at the center position at the bottom of the shell.
158. ATLAS is an of excellent general - purpose language for system testing, provided with hardware - independent characteristics.
159. The top surface and the bottom surface of the block body are plane surfaces. The plane surfaces are provided with holes.
160. They then received negative comments on their social competence and were provided with an opportunity to aggress against the evaluator during a paired contest.
161. Six ways of output, The conversion function is provided with for needle electrode to skin electrode.
162. This mixer is provided with safety device to protect the operators.
163. The front surface of the cover lip is affixed with an instantaneous sealing strip. The seal lip is provided with a tearing trace notched-line along the widthwise direction of the cover.
164. The invention relates to an electric energy transfer device comprising an enclosed housing (1), provided with an active element (4) that is arranged inside said enclosed housing (1).
165. The turf fibre cover is provided with the fertilizer, bactericidal agent and dicotyledon herbicide.
166. Workers provided with an inadequate number of private facilities containing water, soap, toilet tissue and covered waste containers.
167. Working principle, construction and control of the burner with integrated recuperator(BICR) provided with radiant tube and developed by Kromschroeder Co.
168. The NIBCO HPR valve can be provided with heavy - duty weatherproof operator and indicator.
168. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
169. Each of the top surface and the bottom surface of the bat plate is provided with a handle, and the handles are arranged on both sides of the shaft of the bat handle.
170. Usage:It is mainly applied to hydraulic looms and air-jet looms for recording the length of woven fabric, provided with auto-stop function at fixed length.
171. Second pharyngeal arch mesenchyme is thus competent to form teeth if provided with the correct signals.
172. The checking machine is provided with a main frame, wherein a group of clamping devices which are used to clamp checked tires is arranged on two sides of the main frame.
173. It provided with automatic lubricating system to lessen abra sion and prolong service life.
174. The columnar ratchet wheel component is provided with a ratchet wheel inside, and adjusts the rotation direction of the screwdriver bar through the controlling switch of the ratchet wheel outside.
175. Any patient with severe communication disability but reasonable cognition and language should be assessed for and provided with appropriate alternative or augmentative communication aids.
176. The user instructions are provided with the original packaging of the respirator.
177. The utility model relates to a novel cutting head for a diamond fretsaw blade. The utility model is characterized in that one side of the cutting head is provided with a water tank.
178. By means of the slide block, the utility model is inserted into the chute to place into the metal casing, and the back end of the bottom surface of the glue casing is provided with a stairway surface.
179. The ball head main body is provided with a hollow main body part and a connecting part that is arranged on the hollow main body part in a consubstantial way and is defined with neck path.
180. The upper side of the heat generating device can also be provided with a container in which water can be placed to absorb the waste heat generated by the heat generating device.
More similar words: providedprovided thatprovideproviderproceed withprovide forprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovide fundsprovidentialimprovidenceprovidentiallyservice providerstocked withblessed withengaged withinvested withbe filled withprovidingacquainted withbe infected withbe concerned withbe connected withbe confronted withproviding thathold withprovingprovisoprovince
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